How Media Has Conditioned Us to Undermine True Manhood

How Media Has Conditioned Us to Undermine True Manhood

In today’s political landscape, figures like Tim Walz’s vice-presidential candidacy and Doug Emhoff, Kamala Harris’ husband and the nation’s Second Gentleman, are being praised as modern examples of masculinity. But if you take a closer look, you’ll see that these men often reflect the same characteristics seen in the men of 90s sitcoms—amiable, supportive, yet lacking the strength, decisiveness, and leadership that define true manhood. This trend didn’t start today; it’s a continuation of how the media has conditioned us to view men in a certain light. Let’s explore how this conditioning has shaped our understanding of masculinity and why it falls short of what real manhood should represent.

The 90s Sitcom Male: The Goofy, Fake Authority Figure

In many sitcoms of the 90s, male characters were often portrayed as bumbling idiots—men who pretended to have authority but quickly crumbled when the real decision-maker, usually a woman, stepped in. These characters often embodied a fake sense of authority, masking their incompetence with bravado, only to reveal their true lack of capability when faced with real challenges. They were often the source of comic relief, but their portrayal as goofs with no real leadership qualities sent a damaging message about manhood.

This depiction wasn’t just about getting laughs; it conditioned viewers to see men as unreliable leaders, incapable of handling the pressures of family and life without falling apart. When the real boss entered the scene, these men shrank into the background, reinforcing the idea that they were neither needed nor capable of making important decisions. This portrayal undermined the concept of men as strong, responsible figures who could be relied upon to guide their families through tough times.

The Damage Done: Undermining True Masculinity

The damage from these portrayals is deeper than we might think. Young men growing up watching these shows were exposed to a version of masculinity that was both comical and pitiful—men who were meant to lead but were constantly undermined by their own ineptitude. This created a false narrative that being a man meant either being a joke or stepping aside for someone more capable to take charge.

However, true manhood involves more than just pretending to be in control. It’s about real leadership—embracing responsibility and understanding that the success or failure of the family often rides on the man’s shoulders, regardless of whether he is making every decision. While it’s important to recognize that not all decisions should be made by the man, and that a healthy partnership is built on mutual respect and shared responsibilities, it’s also crucial to understand the unique role that men play in the success of their families.

Partnership and Responsibility: The Balance of True Masculinity

Support and partnership are key components of a healthy relationship, but it’s essential that these elements are grounded in a clear understanding of roles and responsibilities. In a strong partnership, the man doesn’t always have to be the one making decisions, but he must be a reliable and capable leader when it counts. The idea that men should simply step back and let others take charge diminishes their role and ultimately weakens the foundation of the family.

A true partnership understands that both parties bring unique strengths to the table, and while the man may not make every decision, his presence as a strong, dependable figure is vital. The success or failure of a family often depends on the man’s ability to lead with integrity, strength, and compassion. When men are reduced to the role of the goofy, ineffective partner, the entire dynamic suffers, and the real responsibilities that come with manhood are undermined.

Reclaiming Masculinity: Moving Beyond the Stereotypes

As we reflect on how media has shaped our understanding of masculinity, it’s clear that it’s time to move beyond these outdated stereotypes. True manhood isn’t about pretending to be in charge or playing the fool; it’s about embracing the responsibilities that come with being a man. This includes being a supportive partner, but also stepping up when leadership is required and understanding that your role in the family’s success is crucial.

We need to challenge the narratives that have conditioned us to accept a watered-down version of masculinity and instead strive to embody the full spectrum of masculine virtues. This means embracing courage, integrity, and leadership, while also being emotionally balanced and supportive.

Let’s look for role models who demonstrate these virtues, whether in our personal lives or in the media we consume, and strive to be the best versions of ourselves. The next generation deserves better than the weak, go-along masculinity of sitcoms and the public figures who follow in their footsteps.


I challenge you to reconsider the media you consume and the male role models you look up to. Are these figures inspiring you to be strong, responsible, and decisive, or are they reinforcing a limited and passive view of manhood? It’s time to take control of your narrative and redefine what it means to be a man in today’s world. Don’t let the conditioning of the past dictate your future. Instead, embrace the qualities that make for true manhood and show the world what it really means to be a man.

ModernMasculinity, #TrueManhood, #RedefiningRoles, #MediaInfluence, #MaleRoleModels, #MasculinityMatters, #PoliticalMasculinity, #BecomingAMan, #Leadership, #MasculineVirtues

Raising Kids Who Can Wait

Raising Kids Who Can Wait

Have you ever noticed how kids today seem to have zero patience? It’s like they can’t wait for anything anymore! The other day, some friends and I were talking about this, and we all agreed it’s a real issue. We blamed it on all the instant gratification from smartphones, tablets, and all the other tech gadgets they’re glued to. Remember when we were kids and had to wait for our favorite show to come on TV once a week? Now, kids can just stream whatever they want whenever they want. It’s not just the devices, though. Our whole culture is all about getting things fast, and honestly, as parents, we sometimes struggle with patience too, which doesn’t help.

Let me tell you a story about my buddy’s son, Jack. Jack loves puzzles, but he used to get so frustrated if he couldn’t find the right piece right away. His mom decided to teach him about patience through a simple story. She told him about a farmer who planted a seed and watered it every day, even though it took a long time to grow. Jack started to understand that just like the seed, solving a puzzle takes time. Over the months, Jack learned to stick with it, finding the right pieces and feeling proud of his progress. This story really helped him see the value in waiting and working towards a goal, and now he’s much more patient.

We’ve got such a short window where our kids look up to us and listen to what we say (and do). If we don’t show them what patience looks like, who will? Kids pick up on everything. If they see us losing our cool or rushing through things, they’ll do the same. But if we can model patience in our daily lives, they’re more likely to follow suit. It’s on us to show them how to handle frustration calmly and how to wait for things without throwing a tantrum.

Think about how much patience has helped you in life. Whether it’s waiting for a promotion at work, sticking with a tough project, or dealing with people who test your nerves, patience is key. Kids who learn to be patient now will have a huge advantage as adults. They’ll be better at handling challenges, working towards long-term goals, and maintaining healthy relationships. In a world that’s getting faster and more impatient, this will set them apart in a big way.

We live in a world where everything is getting faster. From fast food to instant downloads, our culture is all about speed. This makes it harder for kids to learn the value of waiting and working for something over time. But if we can teach them patience, we’re giving them a tool that will help them in so many areas of life. It’s counter-cultural, but it’s so important.

Patience and integrity go hand in hand. Imagine a teenager named Sarah who’s tempted to cheat on a test to get quick results. But because her parents have always emphasized patience and hard work, she decides to study instead. She knows that true success comes from integrity, not shortcuts. Patience gives her the strength to do what’s right, even when it’s tough. It’s a lesson that will serve her well throughout her life.

We all want our kids to grow up to be good, honest people. Integrity is a big part of that, and patience is a foundational piece of integrity. When kids learn to be patient, they’re more likely to make ethical decisions and act with honesty. They understand that worthwhile achievements take time and effort, and they’re less likely to take dishonest shortcuts.

Picture this: a boy named Tommy who can’t wait his turn during games and ends up pushing others aside to go first. This leads to conflicts with his friends and he feels isolated. Or think about a girl named Emma who gives up on her homework if she doesn’t understand it right away. Her grades drop, and she misses out on learning important things. These examples show how a lack of patience can cause real problems for kids.

So, how do we teach patience? First, we need to model it ourselves. Show your kids how to wait calmly and handle frustration gracefully. Encourage activities that require waiting, like baking cookies or planting a garden. Show them that good things take time. Explain why patience is important and set rules for waiting and taking turns. Praise your kids when they show patience—positive reinforcement can really help. And help them develop strategies for dealing with frustration, like taking deep breaths or finding a quiet activity to do while they wait.

Teaching patience isn’t easy. It’s a journey that takes time and effort. Remember the saying, “Don’t pray for patience, or God will give you opportunities to be patient.” This funny but true advice reminds us that developing patience often comes through facing challenges. Embrace these opportunities to teach your kids patience. Celebrate their small victories and stay committed. The reward of raising patient and well-adjusted kids is worth all the effort.

#TeachingPatience, #ParentingTips, #ChildDevelopment, #PatienceInKids, #PositiveParenting, #KidsBehavior, #FamilyValues, #PatienceMatters, #CharacterBuilding, #RoleModeling

Embracing Growth

Embracing Growth

Lately, I’ve been feeling like I’m not living up to the standards I know I should. I’m not in a bad place, but I’m far from where I want to be. My temper, stress, and other factors have been holding me back. I keep telling myself that I’m managing, but deep down, I know I shouldn’t be content with just getting by. I need to make changes internally to become a better father, husband, brother, and man.

Struggling to Meet My Own Standards

There’s a constant weight I carry, knowing I’m not quite where I want to be. I’m functioning, but I know I have the potential to be better. This awareness can be both a blessing and a burden. It shows I’m not complacent and that I have aspirations, but it also fuels frustration and self-doubt.

Admitting that I’m falling short isn’t easy. Sometimes, it feels like I’m stuck in a cycle of knowing what I need to do but struggling to actually do it. I’m often overwhelmed, feeling like I’m juggling too much and constantly worried about dropping the ball. The pressure can be intense, and it’s hard to see a clear path forward.

The Role of Faith in My Journey

My faith is something I lean on heavily, but even that feels shaky sometimes. I pray and meditate on God’s word, seeking guidance and strength. But there are days when my prayers feel empty, and I wonder if God is listening. Verses like Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” and Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope,” are comforting, yet I struggle to feel their truth in my daily life.

I wish God would just fix me, but I know that’s not how it works. It’s up to me to put in the daily, hourly, even minute-by-minute effort to become the man I want to be. The battle is constant, and it’s exhausting.

The Daily Battle

Living up to my own standards is a daily struggle. It’s not just about the big moments of failure or success but the countless small decisions I make every day. I find myself more susceptible to temptation when I’m not in a good place mentally or spiritually. Stress, anger, and laziness creep in, making it harder to stay on track. Integrity feels like a constant test, and I often feel like I’m failing.

I wonder how many other men feel like me—knowing what they should be doing but falling short. It’s a battle against complacency, and it’s one that many of us face. We want to grow, to be strong, but it’s hard. It’s a struggle every minute of every day.

I know I need to be better. I need to manage my stress, control my temper, and act with integrity. But knowing and doing are two very different things. The gap between my aspirations and my actions often feels insurmountable.

Vulnerability and the Journey Ahead

I’m not looking for easy answers because I know they don’t exist. What I need, and what I think many men need, is the strength to keep fighting. To not give in to the easier path of complacency. To acknowledge our shortcomings without letting them define us.

It’s a journey that requires constant effort and a willingness to be vulnerable. Admitting that I’m not where I want to be is the first step, but it’s just that—a step. The path ahead is long, and I know it will be filled with challenges.

But I’m committed to this journey. I want to be a better man, not just for myself but for my family and those around me. I want to look back and see growth, even if it’s slow and painful. I want to break the cycle of falling short and finally live up to the standards I’ve set for myself.

I know I’m not alone in this struggle. There are many of us who are fighting the same battles, dealing with the same frustrations. We need to support each other, share our struggles, and remind ourselves that we’re not in this alone.

The journey is tough, but it’s one worth taking. Together, we can strive to be better, even when it feels impossible. It’s about making the daily choice to fight for the man we want to be, even when every part of us wants to give up.

#PersonalGrowth, #EmotionalStruggles, #FaithJourney, #SelfReflection, #Fatherhood, #Manhood, #DailyBattle, #StressManagement, #Integrity, #FightForBetter

Sermon Share: The Call to Biblical Manhood by Dr Tony Evans

Sermon Share: The Call to Biblical Manhood by Dr Tony Evans

I want to share something that has deeply impacted me and I believe it has the potential to do the same for you. It’s a sermon by Dr. Tony Evans, titled “The Call to Biblical Manhood.” This isn’t just another message; it’s a profound call to action for all of us men striving to live out our faith.

In our journey through life, it’s too common for us as men to lose sight of our true purpose, the higher calling that God has placed upon us. We often get caught up in the daily grind, forgetting the larger picture that’s painted for us in the scriptures. Dr. Tony Evans’ sermon is a powerful reminder of this bigger picture. He delves into the essence of what it means to be a man under God’s rule. It’s not just about fulfilling societal roles or following cultural norms. It’s about understanding and stepping into the divine purpose that God has uniquely crafted for each of us. Just as God chose Abraham for a special purpose, He has chosen each one of us to play a significant role in His grand design.

This message is a wake-up call to all of us. It’s an invitation to look beyond our immediate surroundings and to see the greater plan that God has for our lives. Dr. Evans eloquently unfolds the essence of true manhood as defined by biblical standards, and it’s an eye-opener.I encourage you to take some time to listen to this sermon. Reflect on its message and consider how it applies to your life. As we strive to grow in our faith and as men of God, let’s support each other in this journey. This sermon could be the catalyst for a profound transformation in your life, just as it was in mine.

Let’s embrace our calling with courage and conviction, fellows. Remember, we’re not just living for today; we’re building a legacy for tomorrow under God’s guidance.

Stay strong and stay blessed!

Dr. Tony Evans is a renowned Christian pastor, speaker, and author, widely recognized for his impactful teachings and powerful sermons. As the senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Texas, he has nurtured a vibrant community through his dynamic and insightful interpretation of the Scriptures. Dr. Evans is also the founder and president of The Urban Alternative, a national ministry dedicated to restoring hope and transforming lives through the proclamation and application of the Word of God. His unique ability to connect deep spiritual truths with practical real-world application has made him a respected and influential figure in the Christian community. His extensive work includes numerous books, broadcasts, and a strong presence in both religious and secular media, emphasizing a life led by faith and rooted in biblical principles.

💪 #FaithfulMen #BiblicalManhood #TonyEvans #GodsPurpose #SpiritualGrowth #dannyeley

Finding Strength in Struggle

Finding Strength in Struggle

Inspired by “How to be a Man” by Dax feat. Darius Rucker

I find myself living in a world that’s teetering on the edge. There’s chaos in every headline—economic downturns, global unrest, and wars brewing on the horizon. But that external noise often drowns out the personal chaos many of us are wrestling with inside our own four walls. I feel this deeply. My role as the sole provider has never been more daunting, particularly as my wife has taken on the full-time job of raising our children. It’s a role I’m grateful she can fill, but it does add to the weight I’m carrying. And like many of you know, my mom’s been fighting cancer. I wouldn’t be anywhere else but here to support her, but the emotional and spiritual toll is real.

You know that feeling when you’re screaming inside but can’t let it out? Like you’re afraid to add your troubles to someone else’s plate? So you internalize it. That weight becomes a silent scream, heavy enough to crush your spirit but silent enough to go unnoticed.

This is when I lean on God. For me, God isn’t a far-off concept; He’s a real, tangible source of strength. When I’m grappling with the fear and uncertainty that life throws my way, my faith provides solace. It’s not just about knowing God is there; it’s about feeling His presence, especially in those moments when everything else feels unstable.

But let’s make something clear: faith isn’t a solitary journey. I believe in the power of community, of brotherhood. While it’s true we men often feel we have to go it alone, the truth is, we’re stronger together. We have to share our struggles, lend a shoulder, and sometimes even be the shoulder to lean on. It’s not just for our benefit, but for our children, too. I want my sons to grow up understanding that their dad could weather the storm because he wasn’t too proud to seek help, both divine and earthly.

I want them to see that their dad relied on a strong community and an even stronger God to get through the trials life invariably throws our way. The road might be rocky, but if we keep our feet steady and our hearts open, we can navigate through anything. We don’t have to be islands, silently suffering while life’s storms rage around us. We can be anchors for each other, rooted in faith and fortified by brotherhood.

#StrengthInStruggle #UnspokenManhood #FaithAndBrotherhood #NavigatingChaos #SoleProvider #SilentScream #LeanOnGod #StrongerTogether #WeatherTheStorm #RootedInFaith

Porn Rapes the Mind: Understanding the Impact and Finding Healing

Porn Rapes the Mind: Understanding the Impact and Finding Healing

Let’s face it – pornography is everywhere these days, and it’s wreaking havoc on minds and lives. It’s not just a casual topic to brush aside; it’s a storm tearing through our society, leaving shattered relationships, broken self-esteem, and twisted perceptions in its wake. Think it doesn’t affect you? Think again. The hard truth is that pornography isn’t just a “personal choice” without consequences. It can enslave the mind, crush the spirit, and undermine the very fabric of our integrity and values. But we’re not here to dance around the issue; we’re here to face it head-on. Ready to dive into the gritty facts and find a way to healing? Buckle up, because we’re taking a no-nonsense look at what pornography really does and how to break free from its grip.

The Effects of Pornography on the Mind

1. Altered Brain Structure

Studies have shown that viewing pornography can lead to changes in the brain, much like substance addiction. It can alter the reward pathways, making them more sensitive to pornographic stimuli and less responsive to other rewards.

2. Impact on Relationships

The unrealistic portrayals in pornography can lead to skewed expectations in relationships. It may foster dissatisfaction, mistrust, and even cause breakdowns in communication.

3. Emotional Disturbances

Research has linked excessive consumption of pornography to anxiety, depression, and reduced self-esteem. It creates a vicious cycle where one turns to pornography for temporary relief, only to face a deeper emotional toll later on.

Pornography Addiction

Like other addictions, pornography addiction traps individuals in a cycle of dependency and despair. Here’s how it works:

1. Escalation

A person might start with softcore material, but over time, they require more explicit content to achieve the same arousal. This escalation can lead to consuming material that goes against one’s values and beliefs.

2. Withdrawal

Attempts to quit can lead to withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, restlessness, and anxiety.

3. Impact on Daily Life

Addiction to pornography can affect work, relationships, and personal growth. It diverts time and energy away from meaningful pursuits and can lead to a loss of control over one’s life.

Finding Healing

Healing from pornography addiction may seem challenging, but with determination and the right support, it is possible. Here’s a path to recovery:

1. Acknowledgment – Accept that there’s a problem and commit to making a change.

2. Seek Professional Help – Therapists specialized in addiction can provide guidance and support tailored to individual needs.

3. Build a Support System – Friends, family, and faith communities can be a strong network to lean on during recovery.

4. Focus on Growth and Values – Concentrate on personal development and the values that resonate most with you. These principles, rooted in faith, integrity, and brotherhood, can serve as a guide towards a purpose-driven life, free from addiction.


Pornography’s grip on the mind is real, but so is the possibility of healing. By understanding the scientific facts, recognizing the signs of addiction, and pursuing a path of recovery guided by growth and values, individuals can reclaim control over their lives. The mission may seem impossible to some, but with determination and support, healing is within reach.

#PornographyAddiction, #MindfulRecovery, #RelationshipsMatter, #HealingJourney, #MentalHealthAwareness, #PersonalGrowth, #FaithAndIntegrity, #BreakTheCycle, #UnityInBrotherhood, #ReclaimControl